Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Technology I Learned About

Technology Innovation Pt2 :

The first Personal Computer- 
The first non personal computer was Created in 1822, The word Computer oring referenced a person who did calculations, not the invention itself. They served to be of importance within the industrial revolution to automate tedious tasks and perform functions of making things. The "loom" was created out of this that automatically could weave fabric designs within the warehouses. During world war 2 the first digital calculating machines were developed. Later in the 1950's integrated circuits were created and implemented within these newly created devices in order to also perform various tasks and make a-lot of things simpler for workers. 
Apple computers were released April 1976, by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak ,with a single circuit board. It wasn't until 1977 that color graphics and more advanced graphics were incorporated within the product, as well as bigger drive space. The first personal computer by apple  dropped in 1983 and it was called "lisa". It had icons and even featured drop down menus and options.The flip factor it incorporated started to be referenced as a "laptop" and the term has been used ever since. Search engines such as google started up around 1996, and wifi was created soon after in 1999.
It wasnt until the creation of the iPhone in 2007 that internet became available on cellular and personal devices. This innovation changed the use of internet and computer like softwares forever.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Technology Timeline Topic

The 1st Camera Phone-

The first camera phone, known as the  Kyocera Visual Phone, was created in 2000 by Sharp. When it was released it cost around $400 to the public. It was made up of a 1.5 inch screen, weighing 74 grams and containing only a back facing camera. it had the ability to take up to 20 photos that then had to be accessed through plugging the phone into a computer. If even a small video was taken it would take up most of the space on the phone. They also could be accessed by taking out the memory card. The photos were limited to a 0.11 pixel quality, which left them grainy and blurry. The flash was made up of an LED light that gradually dimmed if used for too long, making it hard to adequately take flash photos. The phone ended up being a flop because of its build and limited storage.

In 2002 Nokia took on the task of recreating something better. The screen was 2.1 inches of display and it contained 4MB of storage.It was referred to as the Nokia 7650, and it was much more desirable than the original model that had been made. It marketed for around $329 even though it contained more features than the previous one. In 2005 the Sony Ericsson released, it had an amazing flash and 1.9 inch display and used the new cyber shot technology that had been recently created. It was alot less bulky and easy to put inside a pocket which made it even more desirable then the others. In 2007, however an even more advanced form emerged, the LG viewty. it resembled camera on the outside, including being able to turn it sideways to take the photo. It also had a touch screen that was 3 inches. It included a xenon flash, slow motion video capturing, and 16x visual zooming power.

Today, we dont know what its like to have minimal space on our phones, we can take thousands of pictures and access them on the spot. We can share them on any platform instantly with the entire world. Out photo quality has drastically changed and advanced throughout the past few years. Looking back at how the camera phone started and where it currently is makes you realize just how quickly times and technology is changing. Its hard to even imagine how camera phones will be within the next 10 or even 20 years.

Articles referenced- 



Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Antiwar? Never heard of it

We don't see many themes of antiwar throughout the US because war has become the center for solving problems and disagreements. War isn't always seen as a bad thing because its ability to resolve issues that may not have been resolved otherwise. While the idea of war can seem scary, especially for those fighting within it, it is a natural part of our history that has been happening for decades. Antiwar activists see war as maybe a waste of money or lives that are sacrificed when it occurs. They see bloodshed as not worth it for the end result.They think there may be other ways of dealing with issues other than war itself. The website also looks into other countries and investigates the brutal deaths of millions of lives on the other end of our war doing. Even the innocent ones who may have lost their lives protesting just because of war. The theme of anti violence and not having to kill mass amounts of people. But what other ways can we resolve issues with countries that we cannot simply speak an agreement to? We engage in war because it is easier and fairer because the strongest party wins. It has nothing to do with verbal agreements like antiwar activists seem to think are influential. While everyone sees the topic differently its hard for our society (mostly) to think that there is any option other than war. While yes, there are certain arguments that should be solved more civilly, i dont think war will ever be outlawed or stopped for solving certain things. It has been around for years and the results have been seen therefore theres no reason to change what we are already doing.

We dont hear about antiwar much because not many people are antiwar.The US has engaged in wars for decades and it doesn't seem that they are going to stop anytime soon, considering wars have shown to be effective in decision making and eliminating of problems. It has shown to be beneficial, and because of this we keep doing it. While antiwar activists do shed light on the millions of lives lost, innocent or not, they do not give alternative ways that would take place of war for solving problems efficiently. The 1st amendment gives us our rights to fight this way, but it also gives activists the right to say their part. 

Related article:

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Can we Trust Social Media with our Personal Information?

Washington (CNN), September 9th, 2019-
Eight states are being investigated by the attorney general looking into facebook's consumer data and privacy. The concern whether users data has been put at risk in order to enhance advertisements and fit consumers interests and information. Facebook, as well as other tech companies such as google agreed to work with the attorneys general and answer further questioning on what consumer data is used when promoting and advertisement purposes. The fear among policy makers is that this is also hurting competition, due to the system being "rigged" in their favor. While social media platforms have been accused of doing so, there is never a real scope of what information of the users is actual put out to others. Our privacy has been breeched for years and i do not doubt that it will continue to happen because we let them do it and get away with it. People dont (usually) stop using platforms after hearing their data could be compromised and therefore they aren't afraid of losing users due to this. furthermore they won't change what they are doing because it isn't losing them customers or profits. 

I do understand the concern for consumer privacy, but i also do sympathize that markets want to reach the biggest audience they can. If they are putting advertisements out for guys on a girls facebook timeline, it doesn't do as much good as if it was placed on a same-sex timeline. Knowing small snippets of info that doesn't directly hurt the market shouldn't be a problem. Target markets and segmentation is a bit easier when tailoring it to your consumer. I think as long as the personal information of the people isn't released to the wrong source it isn't a breech in their rights to their personal information. They choose what they put on their account and its basically public knowledge so facebook has the ability to access it. Putting your information out there is always warned about, so it isn't a shocker that your information gets used for other things such as advertisements. Its all about marketing and promoting each other and facebook needs to put advertisements on their site inorder to run and be profitable.

Related Article: