The first Personal Computer-
The first non personal computer was Created in 1822, The word Computer oring referenced a person who did calculations, not the invention itself. They served to be of importance within the industrial revolution to automate tedious tasks and perform functions of making things. The "loom" was created out of this that automatically could weave fabric designs within the warehouses. During world war 2 the first digital calculating machines were developed. Later in the 1950's integrated circuits were created and implemented within these newly created devices in order to also perform various tasks and make a-lot of things simpler for workers.
Apple computers were released April 1976, by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak ,with a single circuit board. It wasn't until 1977 that color graphics and more advanced graphics were incorporated within the product, as well as bigger drive space. The first personal computer by apple dropped in 1983 and it was called "lisa". It had icons and even featured drop down menus and options.The flip factor it incorporated started to be referenced as a "laptop" and the term has been used ever since. Search engines such as google started up around 1996, and wifi was created soon after in 1999.
It wasnt until the creation of the iPhone in 2007 that internet became available on cellular and personal devices. This innovation changed the use of internet and computer like softwares forever.