Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Can we Trust Social Media with our Personal Information?

Washington (CNN), September 9th, 2019-
Eight states are being investigated by the attorney general looking into facebook's consumer data and privacy. The concern whether users data has been put at risk in order to enhance advertisements and fit consumers interests and information. Facebook, as well as other tech companies such as google agreed to work with the attorneys general and answer further questioning on what consumer data is used when promoting and advertisement purposes. The fear among policy makers is that this is also hurting competition, due to the system being "rigged" in their favor. While social media platforms have been accused of doing so, there is never a real scope of what information of the users is actual put out to others. Our privacy has been breeched for years and i do not doubt that it will continue to happen because we let them do it and get away with it. People dont (usually) stop using platforms after hearing their data could be compromised and therefore they aren't afraid of losing users due to this. furthermore they won't change what they are doing because it isn't losing them customers or profits. 

I do understand the concern for consumer privacy, but i also do sympathize that markets want to reach the biggest audience they can. If they are putting advertisements out for guys on a girls facebook timeline, it doesn't do as much good as if it was placed on a same-sex timeline. Knowing small snippets of info that doesn't directly hurt the market shouldn't be a problem. Target markets and segmentation is a bit easier when tailoring it to your consumer. I think as long as the personal information of the people isn't released to the wrong source it isn't a breech in their rights to their personal information. They choose what they put on their account and its basically public knowledge so facebook has the ability to access it. Putting your information out there is always warned about, so it isn't a shocker that your information gets used for other things such as advertisements. Its all about marketing and promoting each other and facebook needs to put advertisements on their site inorder to run and be profitable.

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