Thursday, April 30, 2020

Final Post

Our Relationships with Technology:

While technology has added a lot of opportunities for new friendships connections and even expression, I think it 100% does have unhealthy aspects. Alike anything, too much of something is always bad. We find ourselves consumed by social media and technology and we become blind to what reality really looks like for the average person.There is an image of a perfect girl, perfect relationship, perfect life that is thrown out all over social media as normal. The false image that is constantly being put out onto the internet makes you feel as if your life is insignificant or wrong in some sort of way. The more time we are spending on technology the more we are being exposed to all sorts of ways of life, life stories and struggles. Its sometimes hard to separate the reality from the fiction that is being posted online. Especially when editing technology has gotten so good, that anything can be distorted to look a certain way even if that is not how it appears in real life. Everyone of course looks happy and everyone looks as if they have their lives figured out, however it can be inferences this is not the case. However i think we forget this, and we forget that people can create whatever image they want for themselves online because it is just a snipet of what reality really holds. Relating it to the present,  In this time where we are forced to separate and stay distant from friends and even family, technology holds a little more value. We are able to see faces, hear voices all at our fingertips. This is what technology should be being used for. i think we are extremely lucky to have the capabilities and advancements that make all of these things possible at such a hard time for everyone,

 In my own life, id say i try to refrain from thinking these things however it is hard when its what your constantly seeing every single day. The less i am on social media the less i feel as if i am comparing myself to others. Limiting the time on technology is hard but is sometimes good to have a break and realize that nobody is perfect and everyone has struggles. I think that you cannot base someones whole entire life off of a photo or caption because its only what they are choosing to share, they obviously aren't sharing all of the bad things, just like i am not either.  I think that if we use technology more for what its intended for , and less to show off how perfect our lives may seem, we may realize the real value of it. I also think that we forget how much knowledge and information the internet gives us on a daily basis, especially when it feels as if we are teaching ourselves from home during this time. While there is misinformation everywhere, most information you find is contributing to some greater part of our knowledge.Everyone has basically accepted that you need to be careful what you read and where you are reading it from. We are able to learn things everyday just by typing in a keyword or asking siri a question. All of these things are crazy if you think about it. Its hard to imaging how all of it will be advancing into 10 or even 20 years from now.

Articles I read:

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