Monday, March 23, 2020

Eight Values of Free Expression

The Most Important Value

One of the eight values of free expression that sticks out to me is the marketplace of ideas value.While not only does it represent freedom of speech it exhibits the rights to have opinions different than others too. It is one of the most important because it touches on everyone contributing their own ideas to possibly develop an even bigger one. Everyone has a different outlook and sometimes judgement is clouded by other biases or personal experiences, so having everyones ideas put into one and being able to draw conclusions from that is pretty cool.  i personally could relate to sometimes not contributing my thoughts/feelings towards something and later regretting not speaking my mind. I have the power to do so, so why wouldn't i use that to contribute to a greater idea. I see it as a bunch of different minds are coming together with all kinds of different thoughts that maybe build off of eachother to form a huge idea that maybe hasn't been thought of before. 

It also shows just how important community and contributing ideas is because if people didnt all come together and do this there wouldn't be new ideas made today. Opinions only stay opinions unless they are expressed and put out into the world. I think it is important that people are able to come together to share ideas to possibly form a bigger one. While all of the values of free expression contribute differently, i see this one as benefiting not only the ones contributing ideas but society as a whole when they are put into place for public use. New inventions, ideas and ways of thinking all come from these ideas that were once thought up and eventually expressed to others.

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